Quick Summary:
Glenn Beck likes to say that “the truth has no agenda”—but there’s another side to that: people who have agendas rarely care about the truth. And, these days, it seems like everyone has an agenda. The media leads with stories that rate over those that matter. Politicians put lobbyists and electability over honesty. Radicals alter history in order to change the future.
In Cowards, Glenn Beck exposes the truth about thirteen important issues that have been hijacked by deceit. Whether out of spite, greed, or fear, these are the things that no one seems to be willing to have an honest conversation about. For example:
- How our two-party POLITICAL SYSTEM often leaves voters with NO GOOD OPTIONS.
- How extremists are slowly integrating ISLAMIC LAW into our SOCIETY.
- How PROGRESSIVE “religious” leaders like JIM WALLIS are politicizing the Bible.
- How the CARTEL VIOLENCE on our border is FAR WORSE than people realize.
- How “LIBERTARIAN” has been INTENTIONALLY turned into a DIRTY WORD.
- How GEORGE SOROS has amassed enough MONEY and POWER to INFLUENCE entire ECONOMIES.
Miserable or not, the truth can no longer be something we hope for; it must be something we live. When courage prevails, cowards do not—and this book was written to ensure that’s exactly what happens.
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